Tell All Tuesday: What’s in the diaper bag?

Hello everyone!!!

Welcome back to the blog today for a fun edition of, “what’s in the diaper bag?”

I love my random topics that I get to talk about here on “Tell all Tuesday.”

Today, I’m going to share our diaper bag(s), why we have more than one, and how we pack them! I’ll link all the things at the end of today’s blog post!

Here we go:

Our diaper bag(s) hang on a rack in the laundry room!

Just for fun, here’s a look at the other wall in this space! We have a black & white laundry room!

This is our everyday diaper bag for both boys! I love the freshly picked diaper bag in black! It’s great quality, has so much space, and I like the classic color of black. Plus, it never gets dirty!

We use this daily for doing family errands, play dates, trips, etc!

This is a peak at the inside. In here, we keep:

A bottle bag

changing pad + wipes + diapers

(Brewer is now potty trained 🎉 but we still keep a few pull- ups on hand just incase!)

Silicone food mat for restaurants

Other things not pictured: change of clothes for both boys (I usually pick those out before leaving the house depending on the occasion/ where we’re going), a teether toy, I have a mini wallet that I’ll carry in the diaper bag, + anything else needed: snacks, hand sanitizer, lip gloss for mama, etc

On daycare days, things look a little different! Both of the boys have their own separate bags.

Brewer carries a matching bag + lunchbox

Inside Brewer’s school bag, we keep extra clothes

This is Capers nursery bag! It’s simple!

In here, we have:

Diapers + wipes

Extra clothes

Plus, a bigger bottle bag! I always pack extra!

I’ve talked about this tote bag before but this tote is my lifesaver!

We compile all of the boy’s things into this one bag on “school/ nursery” days. It holds: both boy’s bags, lunchbox, jackets, Brewer’s sleep mat (if it’s Monday), etc. We use this same tote bag when picking up too! It seems like the boys come home with more than what they left the house with. 🤍


Okay, that is a glimpse at our diaper bag situation!

Shop all the things:

Tap here!


I will be back on the blog, next Wednesday!

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