Motivation Monday: “For such a time as this!”

Happy Monday!

I am currently out of town for our annual beach week in Charleston but I still wanted to bring some encouragement to the blog on this Monday!

Lately, I’ve been thinking about my favorite Bible verse:

Esther 4:14 is my all time favorite!

How often are we reminding ourselves of these words.. “perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.”

Life is now. It’s not tomorrow, next week, or next year, it’s now!

If there is something you want to accomplish and you feel called to it, do it now!

Maybe it’s something simple like: read your devotion, pray & talk to God, go for a walk, or work out! Do it today.

Maybe it’s something big: a leap of faith in a career, a big move, a phone call you’ve been putting off, etc. do it today!

Life is now and these are the moments for which we were created! What is God calling you to today?

Let’s go make the most of today, friends!

*I’ll be back here with one more blog post tomorrow!*

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