Capers: SIX month update!

Oh happy day and Happy JUNE!

..From our SIX month old baby boy!

From the day he was born, we have said he’s like an angel baby dropped out of Heaven on December 1st!

Capers is so sweet, calm, happy, we and can already tell he is sensitive & tender!

Favorite photo ever of Capers!

He is such a gift!

Today, I am so excited to recap Capers’ latest month on the blog! I’ll talk about his experiences this month, what he’s up to, what he likes, dislikes, and more!

Capers has enjoyed lots of tummy time & rolling over this month!

He loves to play with his bucket of toys 🩵

We’ve enjoyed lots of stroller walks this month. He loves to go for walks and be outside!

Best little stroller buddy, ever!

Those baby blues…

…they get me!

Stroller walks are the best with big brother

Especially when you can face big brother!

We love all of the configurations of the mockingbird stroller!

Find it, here!

We’ve also loved our “off roading” side by side stroller this month!

Find it, here!

“You and me, side by side forever we will be.” #brothers

We went to Clover and spent the day with the fam this month! We had fun at the local strawberry patch. Capers loves Nana!

I love this sweet baby so…

He’s so giggly! We make the sweetest memories in this rocker in his room!


I love when he takes a couch nap with Mama!

He looooves bath time, especially when big brother helps out!

He continues to be a great sleeper! He sleeps 12ish hours every single night without waking up! Of course we have our “odd ball” nights but those are becoming rare!

He wakes up SO happy!

We introduced baby food this month. He’s unsure how he feels about bananas but he loves apples!!

This was Harry’s baby outfit that Brewer also wore! It’s so special seeing Capers wear it, too!

The front porch rocking chair is his happy place!

The highlight this month…

..was dedicating our sweet Capers to the Lord!

..surrounded by our church family..

..and family & friends!

It was such a special day!

It made it more special because it was Mother’s Day! I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than by dedicating his sweet life back to Jesus! He entrusted us to be Capers parents and we are committed to showing and teaching Capers what a life with Jesus looks like!

My favorite days are days like this.. laundry and a cute baby! I love being a mommy!

Raising these boys is the best thing that I’ll ever do!

I love watching him sleep! My sweet baby boy!

Capers loves Daddy just like Brewer does!

Giggles with DaDa are the best!

And continues to be Brewer obsessed!

He loves watching Brewer play and these days, he’s starting to join in and play with him, which Brewer is loving!

The sweetest part of every day!

I love when the boys come cuddle with us in our room in the mornings! Full bed, fuller heart!

Capers does really well with the pup pups and they do great with him too! Capers watches them play and they like being close by to protect him!

We made trips to the lake this month and he did great! He’s usually pretty chill no matter what we’re doing!

He loves his family, including Papa!

Those sweet little webbed toes 🤍

He remained Brewer’s #1 fan at the ball field this month! He did really well tagging along during all of the t-ball fun!

A picture worth a thousand words… 🩵

We had a really sweet spring season!

A fun memorial weekend!

And are already enjoying all things SUMMER!

We’re so excited to introduce Capers to all of our of simple, favorite summer things!

Baby’s first summer!

More things that Capers likes:

-his jumparoo

-his “babas” (bottles)


-Mrs. Pam, our neighbor!

Things Capers does not like:

-crowds //loud noises- he now does well in small crowds like a room full of family but nothing major with loud music, etc!

-he lets us know if it’s a minute past bedtime, haha! he likes his 7:30 bedtime

Capers, you are a dream come true and a gift from Heaven!!

Happy, happy 6 months my dear!

We love you, BIG! 🤍

*I’ll be back on the blog, Monday!*

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