This & That Thursday

Hey, Hey!!

I hope everyone has had a great week!

I’m back today with, “This & That Thursday” to blog a bit of this and a bit of that from our week!

Here’s our usual line up:

Starting with….

This week:

On Sunday, Brewer went grocery shopping with DaDa! It looks like he picked out his favorite things at the grocery store too, ha! Thanks boys for helping Mama out!

We went to the park with Emily, Tucker, & Annie Beth on Monday and did “popsicles in the park!”

We’ve had morning swim lessons everyday so far this week!

Yesterday, Capers had his 6 month check- up! He was so brave! (We had swim lessons right after this, hence the swim attire lol, you do what you gotta do!)

I love this life with my two baby boys 🩵🩵

Today, we’re attending a local, “trucks for tots” event with friends and Brewer will wrap up week 1 of swim lessons! We plan to do another week of lessons next month! Our mornings have been busy & fun but our afternoons have looked a lot like this….

Lazy & hanging around at home 🩵

Looking forward to:

All things SUMMER! I’m loving all the memories I’m making with these two and we have lots of summer fun still to come, too!!

Currently Dreading:

Hmm… nothing specific but I could name petty things like laundry, the dishes, ya know, all the fun house chores!

Reminiscing on:

Last week’s beach trip to IOP was so special. Capers was named after this very coast so it’s like we brought a piece of the coast back with us with our sweet baby!

Catch the recap, here:

IOP Summer 2024 as a family of 4!

Watching/ Reading

I’m not watching anything at the moment. I told y’all recently that this would be the next book on my list! I got a lot of reading done last week while on vacation and this book really is wonderful! Light, fluffy, good characters, romance, keeps you on edge, and it’s hard to put down! The only reason I’ve “put it down” is because mom life calls me! 🩵

It Ends with us by Colleen Hoover

Listening to:

Harry sent me this song this week! We send each other random songs when we hear a good one. I hadn’t heard this one in a while and now it’s at the top of my playlist!

What’s on the Menu:

I haven’t taken any pictures of dinner this week. We’ve had spaghetti, BLT’s (summer staple), and lasagna. Brewer loves pasta!

I’m loving:

This takes me right on back to last summer when Barbie premiered on my birthday! Haha. I actually don’t drink soda like ever. I just don’t care for it. But Olipop is a nice little treat from time to time + a healthy form of soda. The Barbie, peaches & cream just tastes like summer. Lol seriously, if summer had a taste, this would be it. I’ve found it at our local Target store!

Weekend Vibes

It’s Father’s Day weekend!!!! I’ve got to take a moment and brag on this one! Harry is patient, he’s kind, he’s fun, he’s hardworking, he’s loving, he’s playful, and everything that our boys need to look up to!

Brewer loves his Daddy so much and says his name 938583 times a day while waiting for him to get home. Capers laughs out loud and grins so big with DaDa. I hope our boys are just like their Daddy someday!

Bible Verse:

I’ve been doing Bible story time with the boys each morning! I always try to relate what we read to our everyday lives. We read this prayer and verse this week and I tried to help Brewer relate it to swim lessons:

“Don’t be afraid for I am with you. Don’t be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Book: Prayers for my baby boy!


And that brings us to the end of today’s blog post! I’m stepping away from this space next week and I’ll return here on Tuesday, June 25th! Follow me on Instagram to see what we’re up to next week! 😉

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